Awareness of personal preferences contributes to more effective interactions

Insights uses a touch of humor to illustrate our personality type - in a team setting, it's an effective way to break the ice and get people talking.

Insights Discovery® aims to raise our self-awareness and our awareness of others so that we may be even more successful.

Insights helps us to understand the how and the why of our behaviors as well as how our personality type impacts others. With this understanding, we are able to take (more) appropriate action to create (even) better interactions with others at all levels in the organization. The implications for our performance and impact are considerable.    

How does Insights work? 

Insights uses a simple and intuitive 4-color model to describe our unique preferences. Our preferences are determined based on responses to a short online questionnaire whose questions measure our positioning on 3 dimensions: introversion-extraversion, thinking-feeling, and sensation-intuition. Carl Jung's groundbreaking work and research serves as the scientific foundation for Insights.

What do the results look like?  

The core output of the questionnaire is a 20-page personal profile which outlines our strengths, areas for development, communications style, and unique value to a team. Each profile also includes development tips that can be put into practice straight away.  

Why Insights?

○ Insights works well for professionals of all levels from individual contributors to leaders

○ Insights paints a colorful personality portrait that's easy to understand and recall

○ Insights was designed to provide straightforward content that is readily actionable

○ Insights' user-friendly content facilitates starting a conversation and engaging people in interactive activities making it ideal for team building

© Certo Coaching & Consulting Sàrl

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